Tuesday, March 6, 2012

On NPL, do not say I told you so...............

Mes Amis,

Its another year and the controversy continues.  Our beloved game is thrown into another crises.  A poser for the wise, and in truth, the not so wise...... Which league in the world, asks the clubs to pay for the indemnity of referees???? For two years, we heard Baribote scream from the top of his lungs, and that of his attorney, Messers Igbokwe, on how he was robbed of his "rightful victory, in the NPL Chairmanship election", today, he is the boss, and the controversy continues.  We have even seen the arrest of a staffer of the league for misappropriation, and alleged theft of the league"s funds.

We hear of the misappropriation of the MTN funds, and a lot of furniture being changed, bought and illegal withdrawals of funds from the league's purse.  How true this is, we expect the EFCC and other organs of government to sort out shortly.

Why cant we do simple things right????From the moment Baribote got in, coincidentally, the league suffered delays, and the current trend of clubs taking on the responsibility of paying for indemnities and referees payment, where would these all lead to??? We hear club owners shouting and threatening to boycott matches.  Is this the progress we were all promised??

I shudder to think of what will come next?? Just last week, a referee's call caused a "near riot" in an NPL game and that has dragged the league into another myriad of controversy, with accusations and allegations flying up and down.  The national assembly is again thrown into the mix with its hearings and indictments of the administration of our football.

Last year, I warned that this situation was going to happen and outlined my proposal to have the following things put in place.

  1. Stop the league to ensure we align our league to the international calendar of September to April
  2. Reform the league to ensure that we can get some of our structures put in place
  3. Have the governors take better control of clubs and their administration
  4. State governments need to sell down on their shares and ownerships of professional clubs, so as to allow private investors come in to participate in the league administration
  5. Get the "mediocre" administrators (not my words) out of the process and ensure that elections are handled by credible individuals and not "hungry adventurers or court jesters"
  6. Secure players training in behavioural management and secure their contracts effectively
  7. institute player and club insurance and credible sustained support for the league and its administration
  8. Push for external funding to be secured so as to create a platform for independence and transparency in the process of managing the league
That was 5 months ago, and it was my view that the time was necessary and NEEDED to ensure that we deal with this matter once and for all.  But did anyone listen????

Based on my experience, this season is going to be the worse the country has ever seen.  The management of the league lacks the experience, expertise required to deal with the logistics of operating a complex and large organisation like the NPL.

Baribote should do the right thing, and leave.  No matter how bad things were, Obaseki's tenure is looking like the best we have had in years.  And Baribote, is clearly showing that this responsibility is over his capacity and capability.  He is not at one with his board and management team.  Who would he blame now???Akinbobola, Owumi or the Benin high chief, Obaseki??? Incompetence has no hiding place, especially if you are at the top......Simple put, the man doesn't have what it takes to manage the NPL (be careful of what you wish for, because you might get it......)

The government has to step in, and take control.  we need an interim organisation put in place to right this organisation or we step into another abyss of degradation and complete erosion of this potentially successful brand, called the NPL.

My summation is that the league needs to be taken over by the government (at least FIFA cannot intervene here) and given to someone with the wherewithal and depth of managing businesses or successful organisations, to come in and sort out this mess before it affects the fortunes of Nigerians who are clinging on, to the hopes that we can have professional football being played without rancour in Nigeria.

Dont say I told you so, but if this current board stays on, then we would have a league that may not finish or be massively disrupted or worse still, we'd have people killed at league games because the organisation cannot manage the complexities of the NPL. God Forbid........

Before that, I hear the quit notice on the NPL HQ is in effect, I hope they can find the money to pay their rent, or else the end would be nearer than previously thought.

The time to act is now, Bolaji Abdullahi must step in, not as a politician, but as an administrator, if not, this crisis will definitely claim him, as its first casualty.  Mark my words.....

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