Monday, June 27, 2011

In Search of Truth, the Nigerian football Mess

For the last 10 weeks, I have read in numerous media publications, stories regarding the continued crises raging in Nigerian football.  I have taken it upon myself to actively mediate and find a lasting solution to the problems that is currently bedeviling Nigerian football.  Trying in my way to play the peacemaker in the resolution of this current crisis, between the Alh. Aminu Maigari NFF board, and the Jerret Tenebe NFA interim committee.

As is with anything Nigerian, the intrigues and multi-layered facets of issues have left me, with certain key inferences.  Firstly, there are deep rooted issues in both camps, that are personal, political, and in some cases, not in the best interest of football.  Secondly,  while trying to tread carefully, and peel away at the layers of the issues, I have come to observe that the issue of legitimacy can be easily resolved without external influences (devoid of the current personal and political undertones that seem to be present and very strong in both camps).

Furthermore, I have come to  question the real motives of some of the actors in both camps.  Like a true Robert Ludlum thriller, encircling both camps, the "vultures" and "jackals" are poised to see that this crisis germinates into an imbroglio that will see them picking up the  pieces and leaving the table with the remnants of the fallout, they are currently strategically positioned to be the beneficiaries of the current crisis.  Whether its in the supply of vital information, or disinformation, or the silent advice that becomes public knowledge the next day, or the provision of access to people holding the strings of the polity, these individuals are the crux of the reason why these crises have and will not be solved in the foreseeable future.  Except................

After due analysis, my personal findings and opinions remains that we can and are ready for REFORM.  The reform in the structure of the board, the secretariat and its daily operations, the technicalities of managing football, the sponsorship (economically beneficial sponsorship, involving an active ownership and participation by Private Sector), and grassroots development of our teams, so as to ensure the sustained maintenance of our place, as a giant in the football world.

We are talking about reforms that will ignite life back into the league and see fans back in the stands and increased and an avid follower-ship of our national pastime by us, the citizens.

Many do not realize the role of football in the Nigerian nation state.  The role it plays in solidifying, unifying and entrenching the meaning of being a Nigerian.  We all bleed GREEN and WHITE anytime any of our national teams or representatives take to the field.  And those who manage this beautiful game in this country, should know this fact and ensure that they do all they can, to forestall any attempt to kill the game in this country.

I am bothered by the continuous litigation, criminal and judicial investigations, claims and counter claims by one group or another seeking control of this great game.  It is high time we commence true dialogue, that will be truly acceptable to ALL stakeholders and one that allows participation, transparency, the rule of law, sound business and sporting ethics.

I would like to propose the following strategy to resolving this crisis:

  1. Would like to urge the Aminu Maigari board to organize a formal face to face meeting with the Tenebe group.  This has to happen with a view to articulating the issues, understanding the differences between both groups, and identifying those areas that are clearly problematic.  I propose a small committee of no more than 9 persons should carry out this exercise, and be done within one week.  The committee should be made up of: NSC, NFF, NFA, Selected and agreed private individuals (2-3 persons)
  2. A stakeholder forum should be organised.  this forum will allow all stakeholders of football in Nigeria, to be present, discuss and pro-offer key recommendations that will be integrated into a holistic ROADMAP for the development of football, and presented to Nigerians worldwide. 
  3. The Football Congress should then be convened to agree to the content of the Roadmap and to review the recommendations of both the stakeholder forum and committee.
I have come to believe that the key actors in both groups want what is best for Nigerian football and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that.  Such passion should not be lost or set aside.  I believe that appropriate participatory avenues exist to accommodate all those passionately willing to TRULY serve (watch out for the Vultures and Jackals).

The only thing I see stopping the above proposal from happening today, is the "noise" and "heat" being generated by the "Vultures and Jackals", knowing that a peaceful resolution of this impasse, will cost them any opportunity to fleece our dear country through this means.............

I call on Aminu Maigari and Jerret Tenebe (two men, with very close relationships) to take the path of strong leaders, who have taken unpopular but very necessary and legendary steps, and resolve this current impasse. I have heard that the matter is out of their hands (Nonesense!! I dont believe it, it can only be out of their hands if they give or hand it over).  This matter is still in your hands, Gentlemen.

I urge you both to be leaders worth emulating, take the Attahiru JEGA approach, tell Nigerians that an organised football administration is possible and achievable in this time, country and with Nigerians at the helm.  Be leaders that will be known as living legends....... do what most have said, cant be done....... 

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