On that glorious April morning, I left home, and it felt like something special was going to happen that day. People trooped to the street where we registered, and checked our status. A lot of us were expectant. Lo and behold, the multitude was there ooooo.
Can you believe this, I thought I had the inside track on this voting thing. Only to find out that I was late!!!!
How can one be late at 7 AM???? Believe me, I was. Didn't get accredited until 10 AM, and found myself getting really angry at ME, for not getting here on time.
Surprisingly enough, we queued in two lines, for men and women. We kept talking excitedly and waited our turn to get accredited, the NYSC officials and the police officers quietly herded us in this exercise, and surely enough, it was my turn. Found my name, got my number ticket, and got my finger painted. Then, surprising enough. I turned round again to see over a thousand people who had been accredited waiting patiently for the last person to be accredited, so that voting could commence.
In that wait, I made friends, saw old friends, and chatted with people I would never have thought this was possible. We were all neighbours, and wanted to participate in this key civil duty. We wanted our votes to count. It was great. For the first time in my life. I saw Nigerians of all cadres, religious inclinations, a catholic reverend sister, was queueing up with the local imam.
I was in awe. This exercise lasted for 13 hours, and we were civil, there were some testing times, but the entire exercise was great. I had experienced elections in America, Belgium and other countries and it was a thing of pride to have been part of this unique experience. To top it off, a lady brought out a water dispenser from her home, with paper cups and served all those who needed water. For FREE!!!! is this Nigeria????
At 2.50pm, I voted. YES!!!! I did.
I am proud of Nigeria. Proud of the entire peoples of this country, all 300 Plus nationalities that make up this incredible and very unique place we all claim to be our home. Incredible. What a rush............
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